2023.1.8(日) WOMB SHIBUYAにて開催された「BEATCITY JAPAN PRE」でのROFUのパフォーマンスの映像演出及びVJを担当しました。
On Sunday, January 8, 2023, we were in charge of the video direction and VJ for ROFU’s performance at “BEATCITY JAPAN PRE” held at WOMB SHIBUYA.
The venue had a three-sided display, one in the front and two on the ceiling, each of which was used as a window, and Rofu’s giant Fuga peeked out through one of the windows.
In addition, considering the fact that the exhibition was held on January 8th, we adopted the opening words “AKEMASHITE OMEDETOU” in brush strokes and placed Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant in the background.