Primitive landscape of smitharia.
about smitharia
It is a platform where people who need something at that time gather and create it, without fixing the members.
We create a variety of products centered on media such as video and music.
高須悠理 Yuri Takasu
Born in Aichi, Japan in 2002, currently a student at Sapporo City University, Faculty of Design, Department of Design, 2024. He creates media art using creative coding and assists in web development. He also organizes club events on campus and works as a VJ. In addition, he publishes and sells his own personal magazine as a poet and is involved in a wide range of creative activities.
宇佐 飛紀 Usa Takanori
3DCG Designer
大学在学中、SIAF LAB.で制作補助として様々なプロジェクトに参加し、そこで培った経験を活かし東京の映像制作会社に入社。
Born in Sapporo in 1998, graduated from Sapporo Otani University in 2021 with a degree in Media Expression.While a university student, he participated in various projects as a production assistant at SIAF LAB. and joined a video production company in Tokyo, utilizing the experience he gained there.
Currently, in addition to his work, he is also active as a 3DCG designer for live video productions and music videos.
アーティスト / アートエンジニア
artist / art engineer
村川龍司。1998年、札幌生まれ。札幌市立大学デザイン研究科博士前期課程を修了。札幌のアートセンターSCARTSでのテクニカルスタッフを経験したのち、2024年arsaffix Inc.にてアートエンジニアとして参加。自身の表現幅を広げようと、さまざまな領域の表現について触れ、表現領域には、グラフィック/音楽/映像/立体作品がある。個人的な楽曲制作を主としつつ、音にまつわる表現においてコラボレートを行なっている。
I use various areas of expression to broaden his own range of expression. My areas of expression include graphic/music/video/three-dimensional works. I collaborate in sound-related expression while mainly creating my own music.
In smitharia, I'm in charge of visuals and direction.
西内 寛大 KantaNishiuchi
グラフィックデザイナー / モーションデザイナー
graphic designer / motion designer
Born in 1998. Graduated from Sapporo City University, Faculty of Design in 2021. Belongs to Studio Wonder Inc. In addition to graphic design, he also creates motion graphics and 3DCG. Motion graphics and 3DCG are not produced by themselves, but are used as one of the tools of expression to make graphics look better and more interesting, mainly using flat graphics.
清水 康志 / simiz YasushiShimizu
アーティスト / エンジニア
artist / engineer
Born in Sapporo in 1998, I completed a Master's degree in Design at Sapporo City University in 2023, where I focused on developing music composition algorithms using program source code. During my university years, I was involved in interactive visual production, technical support, web system development, and website creation, contributing to projects like "display[rag]" and "SoundScapeEmulator." In 2017, I joined "Tsuralab," where I contributed to the creation of the "Environmental Icicle Light Wall." Currently, as a developer, I focus on web system development and visual production/VJ, striving to blend creativity with technology.